A heat pump can offer your home year-round comfort. It’s a cost-effective way to heat and cool your space, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of the equipment no matter where you live. However, there’s a misconception that heat pumps become inefficient during the colder months of the year. This shouldn’t be the case if you know how to operate one properly.
Key Things You Should Know About Running Heat Pumps During Cold Weather
Matthew Day

Learn some essential things you should know about running heat pumps in cold weather here from an experienced air conditioning service provider.
A Gas Furnace and a Heat Pump Are a Good Combination
Do you live in a place where it’s common for temperatures to drop below freezing? If so, you might want to consider installing a gas furnace along with your heat pump. This will allow you to switch between electric and gas heating when necessary.
Defrost Mode Is Essential for Winter Operation
In the winter, ice may start forming on the exterior components of your equipment, especially in freezing temperatures. Your heat pump will temporarily reverse operation to melt the ice off the affected components. Don’t worry much about the pump being in defrost mode because this is normal and it will only run for a brief period of time. However, you may need to contact a professional for a heat pump inspection if it appears that your equipment goes into defrost mode too frequently or for too long.
Don’t Be Dependent on Emergency Heat
When it’s extremely cold outside, depending on emergency heat is the last thing you should do, as it can significantly increase your energy bills. Consider getting a gas furnace if your heat pump can’t handle your heating demands. Compared to emergency heat, running your heat pump in heating mode along with a gas furnace still consumes less energy.
Keep your heat pump efficient and in good shape by scheduling regular inspections and tune-ups. At J & M Air Conditioning & Heating, we offer quality heat pump, window air conditioner and ductless split system installation services. Give us a call at (951) 654 3464 (San Jacinto) or (760) 253-9631 (Palm Desert) or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We work with clients in Hemet, CA, and nearby communities.