When you go shopping for a new residential property, you need to look into a few things before you make a decision. In addition to the electrical, plumbing and roofing systems of a prospective home, you should also take into consideration its HVAC system. Can it keep up with your heating and cooling needs after moving in?
A Quick HVAC Checklist When Buying a New Home
Neal Goldsmith

To make sure, our air conditioning team shares a few essential questions to ask.
‘Can I Check Its Maintenance History?’
Even if the HVAC system of the home looks clean and functional, you still need to check its maintenance history. Asking for the system’s service records not only lets you know how often it has received regular maintenance, but also any type of repairs it has undergone. It will also give you a good idea of whether the HVAC system is in good working condition.
‘Who Did the Installation and Maintenance?’
Apart from the maintenance history, you should also find out who installed or replaced the heating and air conditioning system in the home you’re planning to purchase. This can be as easy as asking the homeowner, especially if they recently scheduled a maintenance check and tune-up before they put their house on the market. It may be the same company that installed the system.
‘When Was the Unit Manufactured and Installed?’
The make and model of the HVAC unit installed in the home you’re interested in can give you a good idea of when it was first installed. Older models are less desirable since they’re not as energy-efficient compared to the newer units. They may also lack the convenient features offered by more modern equipment. Of course, even if the model was produced several years ago, the installation could be more recent.
When it comes to top-notch heating and air conditioning service, there’s only one name you can trust. Call J & M Air Conditioning & Heating today at (951) 654 3464 if you’re in San Jacinto or (760) 253-9631 if you’re in Palm Desert. You can also fill out our convenient online request form! We also serve customers in Hemet and the surrounding communities.